Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter Egg Dye

The boys colored Easter eggs today! Jaydon found a dye tablet on the table and thought it was hard candy, so his mouth is BLUE!!!!!! I let Jared eat a cracked egg and when we were done coloring them, Jaydon started cracking eggs and eating them. I don't think he wants to hide them...just eat them. Happy Easter!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

New furniture for free

So I can't believe this, but I called the furniture store yesterday to see if they had any suggestions to remedy the fading color on my leather sofa/love seat. They told me this was a problem with that company and I could come in and pick a replacement for the same value. Needless to say, I was is awe. Things like that never happen!!! So we spend a few hours in the store last night looking at furniture. The kids actually had fun. All Jaydon wanted to do was ride the "alligator" (elevator). So I think we found a replacement and I'm getting excited to see how we like it. I'll post a picture when we have it delivered.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sleepy Jaydon

I'm an amatuer blogger, I forgot to put the picture on the last post.

Sleepy Jaydon

Jaydon's Wheel's-N-Whistles So-Fun (sofa) was too much fun today. It wore him out!!

Jared & Jaydon

Jared is just waiting for fishing season and Standley Lake to open up. He got a lot of tackle for his birthday and he can't wait to use it. Jaydon is trying to understand toilet training. He now knows if he drinks milk, it will make him pee. But he doesn't think that water works the same way. Now when he drinks milk, he stands in front of the toilet so it will run out as soon as he swallows it. It's really a funny sight to see. I call it the "garden hose theory".


Josh has been growing up in front of my eyes. He cooks his own breakfast (fried egg with toast), usually gets most of his homework done in one sitting, and acts like a responsible older brother to Jaydon. His lastest homework project is creating a forest diorama. He's really excited about this project, so if anyone has any creative ideas for him, let us know!

Back to Colorado

Well, my trip to Arizona went quickly, but it was very nice. I enjoyed spending time with mom and dad. We went golfing, swap meet shopping, and to a movie. All things I don't have much time to do normally. The weather was beautiful (in the 80's) and I tried to get as much sun as possible, knowing that I would probably come home to snow. While I was gone, Corey kept the kids and really did an awesome job. I came home to a clean house, homework mostly complete (not due til Thursday), and a 3 year-old partially potty trained. WOW! Hope I don't lose my job!