Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Field Day

Field day at school was lots of fun. The boys all like the rope. They climb like monkeys. They did great and had lots of fun. The day started out a little cold, but warmed up nicely.

Mountain Views!

These are the mountain views to the west of Standley Lake and west of our house. Gotta love it!!

Boys will be boys!

The bigs boys got bored while Jaydon was napping, so they went down to the lake to gather firewood. When they came home the 2nd time, they brought a baby goose. We sent them back to return him and I think they learned not to pick up wildlife. Josh said, "I wouldn't have picked him up, but he was so darn cute!" How can you be mad at that???

More Fishing on Memorial Day

All 3 boys were anticipating Jared's fish. Josh was netting and Jaydon was excited to see the fish. They kept them in the live well for a while to inspect him, but then let him go.
This is the beautiful view just west of our lake. And Jared is reeling in another small mouth.

Memorial Day Fishing 2008

This small mouth Jared caught still had lunch in his mouth!
Jared bet his dad $5 for the first fish caught. Of course, Jared did catch the first fish. In fact, he caught 3 small mouth by himself and daddy got skunked!

Jared's 3rd lost tooth

This tooth got so loose, it was hanging by a little strand of flesh. He finally got tired of it hanging there and pulled it out in the bath tub.

Here he is without the tooth.

Classroom Photos

Jared's 1st grade class with Mrs. Caulder.

Josh's 2nd grade class with Ms. Van Wyke. She is the substitute for Mrs. Petranek, who had a baby this spring and is on maternity leave.
Can't believe this school year is almost over. It seems to go so fast. Josh and Jared are excited for summer and time off. We will spend time at the lake, in Nebraska, and hopefully reading...a lot!! It will be a short summer, as the kids start school early this year on August 12. Seems silly, but I guess it will allow them to be done before Memorial Day next year.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Josh's 1st Eucharist

Josh's big day was yesterday. Two other children were also celebrating yesterday, so I think that made him a little more relaxed. He told me after church, "I've had butterflies in my belly all morning!" He was so proud!! His dad and I presented him with a boys bible. He started reading Genesis last night and was very excited about the stories. I told him how proud I am of him. He was beaming. He said, "That 1st communion I got today is really getting into me!!" How cute! He acts like a new little man, having consumed the body and blood of Christ. Wonder if he'll need daily mass to keep up this new attitude??? :)