Thursday, June 26, 2008

Josh's 1st Water Skiing

Last weekend, Josh got up on water skis. He got UP on the first try and eventaully skied all the way around Standley 12 mph, that took some endurance. Even other boaters were yelling for him and giving him a "thumbs up"! Way to go Joshy!!!!!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Kylan Gerlick

Kylan is 8 months already. This is his newest face, a little piggy. It's so cute!!
He was making this face at pa pa when he pushed him on the swing.
What a sweet boy!
Boy does he like to swing!!!!


We met Nate, Emily, Kylan, Rog, and Nay at the park on Saturday to play. The boys had a great time with cousin Ky! He's growing so fast and loves the boys!!!

A Hard Workin Man

This is Pa Pa Alan's busiest time of year, haying. Jaydon took his 1st tractor ride and is addicted! I couldn't get him out of the tractor. He made many bales with pa pa and studied every level pa pa touched in the tractor. If his legs were long enough, he might just be able to run it himself.
Jaydon has is own little seat next to pa pa with a seat belt.
Off to work he goes, and at such a young age!!

A New Friend--Snappy

Jared found "snappy", the snapping turtle, while cutting hay with Pa Pa Alan. The poor turtle has been inspected, playing with, pulled on, and put in water for 2 days. I think he's plotting a get-away. Unfortunately, he's just not fast enough!

Belmont Train Tunnel

Belmont Tunnel, built in 1920, is now only a road for cars, the trains travel a track just west of the tunnel.
Pa Pa and Jaydon were taking turns yelling into the tunnel.
Pa Pa: "Jaaaaydon, Jaaaydon!"
Jaydon: "Aaaaalvin, Aaaaalvin!" (From Alvin and the Chipmunks)

Trains, Trains, and MORE TRAINS

Roger, Renee, and I took Jaydon to Belmont, Ne (South of Crawford) to see the helpers push the train. This is where the helpers release the trains and then head back to Crawford. We were standing on a bridge over the tracks which vibrated when the train went under. Jaydon was a little scared at first, but finally go out of the car to see the trains. He's never seen a train from the top before.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Jaydon 1st Bike Ride

Yesterday I helped him steady this little bike with no training wheels. Today, Josh comes in the house and says Jaydon is riding a 2-wheeler by himself. We've always known he is independent, but this is a little extreme. In addition to that, he started potty training himself yesterday at the pool and has stayed dry all day today as well. I guess some things just click at the right time!

Tony's College Graduation

Tony graduated from Chadron State College this May. CSC President, Janie Park, is handing him his diploma. She and her husband bought our house in Chadron when we moved.

Way to go, Tony!!! We are so proud of you!!!

Family Business

Family business in Crawford, NE.
Grandpa Roger getting ready for a new day.
Le Menu!

The boys love coming to see Pa Pa and Na Na Nay. They also like the ice cream, hamburgers, chicken, pop, shakes...

Rog took Jared fishing yesterday. They caught 27 walleye, 2 small mouth bass, and 1 drum. They cleaned their limit of walleye for grandmas Doris. She will be as happy as a giddy school girl!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Have you ever heard a fox call in the middle of the night? It has had us up the last 2 nights. It doesn't sound like a dog or coyote. In fact, it doesn't sound like anything I have ever heard or could repeat. He has been crossing our backyard, but I don't know where he is going. Wish he would go home and let me sleep!

Too much fun!!!!!

Josh, Jared, and Jaydon enjoyed the great weather while tubing. This was Jaydon's first time without a parent in the tube. He's growing up. Josh wanted dad to go slower, but Jaydon was yelling, "Faster, Dad, faster!!"
All 3 boys in the tube with the mountains in the background.
We enjoyed playing frisbee and building a camp fire.
The boys roasted half a bag of marshmellows and half a package of hot dogs. They really like to cook over the open flames.