Thursday, July 24, 2008

Wanna Dance?

Photo taken Christmas 2006
My grandfather, A.J. Ferrel, the only grandpa I've ever known, passed away on Tuesday. I was home (in Nebraska) when he passed. He was 89 (90 on October 6) and still living at his family farm with his wife of 61 years. They have lived in the same yard as mom and dad for as long as I can remember. We always visited them when we came home. During the last year, whenever I said goodbye, he would stand up, hug me, and say "Wanna dance..." We would rock back and forth and hold on tight. I love you grandpa!
I miss you already!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Trinity Heights

If you are ever in Sioux City, IA, you should visit Trinity Heights. It is an amazing tributary garden with this 33 foot statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and a 33 foot statue of Mary. There are also many other statues of saints. The gardens are immaculate and the experience is wonderful!! A man from LeMars, IA carved the life-sized "Last Supper" out of wood. It is amazing!!

There's Something About Boys and Frogs

Isn't it amazing how kids can make friends so easily. Josh and Jared found some new friends at Okoboji and canoed across a pond in search of bull frogs. They struck "gold"!! Bull frogs and tadpoles and poliwogs, oh my!!!

Okoboji on the 4th

Arnold's Park is right on the lake. We didn't go on any rides, but it was fun to see all the boats docked there. Corey's cousin, Joe Langel, took Josh out on the wave runner. Josh had a blast and now wants a wave runner of his own. Keep dreamin..... Jaydon was just content with playing in the water. Langel's dog, Jake, kept busy retrieving a floaty. I think they both slept well that night!! Grandma Joanne watched all the fun from the bench while enjoying her great-granddaughter, Zaylee. I think everyone had fun in the sun!

4th of July Parade

We watched the parade in LeMars, IA this year. The boys had fun getting candy. They thought the hooves of these work horses were pretty neat!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Cleveland Castle Park in Le Mars, IA

We took the boys to the park to blow off a little steam. They loved the tire swing! All 3 could ride together! Grandma Joanne walked to the park with us.

Iowa Vacation at Staab's

We stayed with Grandma Elaine the first part of the week. She had a BBQ for everyone to come visit us. Sue, Krystal, and Jacob (2 1/2) came up from Sioux City; Nic came up from Omaha, NE; John and Kathy came over from Le Mars. Phil, Diane, Linsdey and Drew also came to visit. We had a great time seeing everyone! John drove his roadster over and we all enjoyed taking a ride. Jaydon liked to ride in the rumble seat! Thanks for the rides John!! And thanks Grandma for putting us up for the week. We had a great time and appreciated all the great food!!!! We love you!!