Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Happy 35th Birthday Corey!!! Surprise!!!!!!

Saturday, August 23, was Corey's 35th birthday. I planned a surprise party for him and actually managed to pull it off!!! The first picture is of him just walking in the door when we saw all the guests. I was so relieved and excited that he didn't catch on! We had lots of food and drinks and visited on the back patio until dark. Then Corey attempted to start a fire. You would never know he was almost an Eagle Scout. He did manage to start a fire and kept it going until the party ended.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Josh's 1st day in 3rd Grade

Josh's 1st day in 3rd grade, his teacher is Mrs. Pennington. He was very excited to get to school. We had him enrolled in a charter school, but Jared did not get into the school, so we put Josh back in Lucas with Jared. Josh was very happy to be back with his friends.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

1st Day of School

Jaydon's 1st day of preschool. He will go 2 1/2 hours, 4 days a week at Witt Elementary. He was really excited until the day of school and then he didn't want me to leave him. Jaydon was soooo excited about his Lightening McQueen backpack. He's been wearing it everywhere for the last 2 weeks. He's growing so fast. I know he'll be starting kindergarten before I know it. Jared's 1st day was also today, at Lucas Elementary. His teacher this year (2nd grade) is Mrs. Petranek. He said after school, "This is the best year ever and I have the best teacher ever!!" I'm so excited to hear him talk about school like that. I hope he can maintain his enthusiasm.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

100 Year Farm Award

At the Dawes County Fair on Sunday, the Ferrel family received the 100 Year Farm Award. The Ferrel family property has been in their family since 1886. In a poignant moment, Alan Ferrel noted that he had planned on his father, Alva, accepting the award, but he had passed away a week and a half ago. (Posted on

Kids at Big Mac

Logan, Josh, Luke, and Jared played on the tube at the shore. Kenli, Trinity, and Lanie sat in the tube on the beach. Jaydon, Jared, Luke, and Logan all roasted hot dogs over the fire at the campsite.

Thanks for the tube ride, Corey!

I think this was his plan from the beginning! Glad I could provide you with a good laugh!

Playing at McConaughey

Last weekend we met our good friends, Tiensvolds and Boeselagers, from Chadron at Lake McConaughey. We had a BLAST!! We are planning on making an "Annual Trip" out of it! Bob Tiensvold while departing his tube ride. Looks like he caught a little air! The kids played in the sand at the beach for hours both Friday and Saturday. They definately got "sand in their crack at Big Mac"!!

Kissing Cousins

Maddox (22 months), Wade's little boy, and Cassie (2 1/2 years), Kami's little girl

Leepers and Ferrels

Sisters! Linda and mom don't look a bit alike, ha, ha! We took this picture after grandpa's funeral. It was so nice to see the Leepers. I'm so glad they spent the day with us!!!! I can't remember the last time Wade, Corby, Kami and I were together. It's been years. I was so fortunate to see all of my cousins that weekend.

9 Granddaughters

Grandma Doris and Grandpa AJ had 9 granddaughters. The last time we were all together was in 1997. While this was a sad occasion, I am so glad that we all were together again. It was so nice to catch up with my cousins and do a little reminiscing.


I guess being a cowboy wears a fella out!

The 3 Amigos

The boys had a great time at the farm! Grandpa let them ride horses a lot. They are becoming quite the little cowboys. Jared learned a lesson the hard way. He made his horse, Junior, trot too fast and he bounced right off. Hurt his pride more than anything.