Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!

We had a great Thanksgiving at Kami's house. The kids played, the men watched football, and the women worked like crazy in the kitchen. Whoever said that Thanksgiving is a "holiday"?? Define holiday! However, it is very nice to spend it with family...even if it is work. Since we were all together, we decided to have a family picture taken. We haven't had one since the 3 big boys were babies.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Jared 1st Reconciliation

Jared made his 1st Reconciliation on Saturday morning. He was a little nervous, but it went very quickly for it does for most kids. He is standing here with our priest, Father David, and the Blessed Mother in the background. After celebrating the sacrament, each child received a candle to take back to their family to pray around. We had a reception and cake afterwards! Jared is very excited to start the next preparation for the 1st Eucharist, which he will celebrate on May 4.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Family Pictures

Isn't he a sweet little Husker fan?
Our Husker boys.
We had such a busy day. Jared celebrated First Reconciliation in the morning (I'll post those pictures next) and we had family pictures taken in the afternoon. We have been enjoying the great weather this weekend in Colorado. The boys have been playing outside and we've been tidying up for winter! What a great weekend!!!