Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Can't believe how time flies. I have fallen behind and plan on catching up soon. I have tons of great pictures, but just need the time to upload, organize and post. So...soon and very soon, I will be up to date!

Monday, February 9, 2009

2-8-09 Sunday

We grabbed some carpet and hardwood samples today. This is the carpet we chose and we narrowed down the hardwood to 2 samples. The wood will be right next to the tile entryway. I like the dark and Corey likes the oak. We are only putting this in the living room and dining room. Send me your opinions! I would love to hear from you!

2-7-09 Saturday

Gotta love Craig's List!! Not only have we sold many items on this website, but we have also found a few good deals. This is one of them. The boys have been on a basketball kick since Christmas, and I'm tired of them throwing the ball around the house. Normally, they play on our neighbors hoop out front, but I'm always worried about them. I decided to look for a hoop for our backyard. The cheapest new hoop I could find was $170 at Target. We needed a portable, adjustable hoop. So I checked Craig's List and found this "Lifetime" brand hoop (which I think is pretty darn good quality). We drove to Arvada and picked it up...$70 (seller said she paid $300 a year ago and it's hardly been used)!! Like I said...Gotta love Craig's List!!!

2-6-09 Friday

Putting a few more finishing touches on the paint. I painted all the doors upstairs and scrubbed the trim. Gotta love the smell of fresh paint! Friday family movie night: Wings from WingZone (very good), the movie Fireproof (good Christian movie), and pops for all (root beer for the boys).

2-05-09 Thursday

The trim looks so bright and clean. Can't believe I didn't do this a long time ago. It finally matches the rest of the trim in the house. Josh finally went back to school today after being home sick for 3 days. I'm guessing he has some make up work to do. It was nice enough today to walk outside, so Sylvia and I walked around Ketner Lake for some exercise.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

2-4-09 Wednesday

Nothing like a nice hot bath, bubbles, and...trains?!?!?! What can I say, the kids LOVES trains!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

2-3-09 Tuesday

Are we done with illness yet? Jared had walking pneumonia 1 1/2 weeks ago. Saturday, Jaydon came down with it. Monday, I took Josh to the Dr. who said he doesn't have pneumonia, but is having a serious asthma outburst due to a virus. So, I have all kinds of meds and dosing schedules on my chalk board in the kitchen. It's the only way to keep everyone's medications right. I feel like a nurse. I pray that Corey and I don't come down with this. I don't think the kids will be as organized as I am with medicating. Josh has already missed 2 days of school, so I'm hoping he feels good enough to go tomorrow. His make-up work has got to be piling up.

Monday, February 2, 2009

2-2-09 Monday

Jared entered the PTA Reflections Art contest last fall. He just got his artwork back. He colored a castle with markers. He received an award and ribbon for his entry. Last week, all the kids who submitted artwork were honored with a cake and ice cream party with the principal. Great job Bear!!!

2-1-09 Sunday

Super Bowl Sunday! Steelers vs. Cardinals I could really care less who wins, but I guess I'll go for the red and white (Arizona). Josh is rooting for the Steelers and even feels good enough about his choice to place a bet. Steelers win, he gets to drink a pop with lunch tomorrow...Cardinals win, he will clean my entire house. Sounds like a fair bet to me!! We cooked up some Brats and ate chips and dip. Just another excuse to eat junk food.

1-31-09 Saturday

Jaydon has rediscovered his paints! We have about 25 portraits on the counter drying. He also had to make another trip to the Dr. today. Turns out he has walking pneumonia, like Jared did. So, more antibiotics!

1-30-09 Friday

Family Night at the Nuggets game: 8 tickets, 8 pops, 8 hot dogs = $118 5 kids (Josh, Jared, Cade, Jaydon, Cassie) 3 parents (Corey, Kris, Kami) 4 trips to the restroom 3 hours of FUN = priceless Josh, Jared, and Cade watched the basketball game. Jaydon and Cassie danced and watched Rocky (the mascot).

1-29-09 Thursday

My little laundry Nazi. What can I say? He loves doing laundry. He constantly empties the boys hampers (he calls them campers) and loads the machine. Even on days I don't plan on doing laundry, we get 2-3 loads done. He's quite the motivator. Just recently, he's started unstacking the dishwasher as well. If he was only tall enough to actually put dishes away...

1-28-09 Wednesday

So I finally got tired of looking at the banged up woodwork on the stairs and decided to sand and paint it. Here I just have it sanded. I have also decided to just sand and paint all the railing and all woodwork on the staircase. So this turned into a little bigger project than I first thought, but it will be worth it. At least it will all match the rest of the woodwork in the house.

1-27-09 Tuesday

Jared is seeing a tutor for his mild reading disability. Here he is working on the software she set him up on. He's only been going for a few weeks and I can already see great improvement in his fluency. He is working so hard and trying his best, I'm so proud of him.

1-26-09 Monday

Jaydon saw the Doctor today for his 4-year-old wellness check. He weighed 46.2 pounds and is 44 1/2 inches tall. He doesn't mind going to the Dr. and likes to wash his hands and sanitize them while waiting for the Dr. in the room. He checked out healthy today, but needed a few shots. Needless to say, he wasn't quite this happy when we left the office. I took him to McDonald's to play and have a hot fudge sunday!

1-25-09 Sunday

Jared celebrated the Rite of Enrollment today for 1st Eucharist. This is our book to work out of and his pin he will wear each week to church. He is very excited to get started. Even Jaydon has showed great curiousity about communion. When Corey received the body today, Jaydon tried to pry his mouth open to see it. "I want to see it, I want to see what's in your mouth!" Of course, this is in front of everyone at church. New church rule, Jaydon has to walk up to be blessed during communion. We will no longer carry him.

1-24-09 Saturday

Today the boys asked if they could have pets. Jared's fish died not to long ago and he's been asking for a while. Dogs and cats are not an option with Corey and Josh's asthma. So I told them to do some research on the internet on pets they are interested in. Find all the info to feed, clean, and purchase these animals, then write a brief report on them. Here is Jared's report. I will translate: Hermit Crabs
80 years of life
Buy mor than one
humidity gaj (guage)
sand. cang sand every 6 muths (change sand every 6 months)
rocks and twigs. non tocsic stuf (non toxic stuff)
dont put to hie a lid. (don't put the twig as high as the lid so they don't crawl out)
Josh checked out a few things on the net, but hasn't submitted his report. I've been hearing a lot about lizards and geikos. I banned snakes, but should have made it a complete retile ban. Yuck!!!

1-23-09 Friday

Friday Family Movie Night: The kids love family movie night. We ordered pizza and wings, let them drink pop, and watched Ratatouille. They thought they were in heaven!

1-22-09 Thursday

I just love Jaydon's preschool and the "Tools of the Mind" curriculum they use. Here he draws a picture of himself, the tells what he is going to play with at his center. Each line he draws on the bottom represents a word and the teacher then fills in what he says. This is called a play plan. The pictures of himself have changed so much since August and he is beginning to understand the basics of reading. AMAZING!! The center he played at today is McDonald's, so he said, "I am going to cook french fries."