Thursday, October 30, 2008

Remodels are Finished!!!

Front Entryway
Entry from garage.
New bathroom!!! We moved the toilet to the other corner and created a whole new space!
We are so glad to have this project complete. I think we will take a little break before starting the next project. We have enjoyed working on this together. We both get great satisfaction from doing it ourselves!!!


Suzanne's Ghost
Corey's witch

Pumpkin Carving 101

Paul, Suzanne, Nick, and Jack join us for pumkpin carving this year. They brought over a pumkpin carving kit and we made some awesome jack-o-lanterns!!
Suzanne and Jack are helping Jared with his stencil.
Josh chose a skull for his pumpkin.
Jared cleaned 9 pumkpins for carving. Jaydon helped a little but thought it was gross! We roasted pumkpin seeds and carved pumkpins all evening.

Bandits Football

Jared #14
Josh #44
The parents make a tunnel for the kids at the end of every game. They love to run through it!
Bandits football season has now ended. We are sad and relieved. We now have our Saturdays back (not to mention the 3 nights per week, 2 hours each night of practice). The boys had a great time this year and learned a lot. Tonight is the team party and we will officially be done! The season record was 2-6 and they did not make play-offs. Hopefully next year we will see even more improvement and maybe a play-off game!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bandits Football

Jared's 3-point stance. Josh is #44 and Jared is on his right #14, in a stance. After our QB got hurt, Josh took over. He is seen here getting ready to pitch the ball. The Bandits lost this game, making their season record 2-5. We have one game left on Saturday. I'm hoping it warms up a little, it's about 40 degrees right now.

Fall Fun

Jaydon and the twins next door (Nick and Jack) had a great time jumping in the pile of leaves in front of our house. My tree still has all the leaves on it. One might wonder where all the leaves came from. Well...Jared and Jaydon raked leaves from the yard down the street, filled a few garbage bags, and then dumped them in our yard! They provided days of entertainment for all the kids in the cul-de-sac.

Halloween Ninjas

Left to Right: Jared, Cade, and Josh are all dressing as ninjas for Halloween this year. It must be the popular costume, because our neighbor boy, Gavyn, is also going to be a ninja. Jaydon is still undecided. We probably won't know until 5 minutes before trick-or-treating.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Football Weekend

The boys played a really good game on Saturday, but still came up short. Josh played quarterback most of the game after the starting QB injured his knee. Josh was a little hesitant at first, but soon took charge and made some great plays. He even ran one in for a touchdown. I didn't take my camera because of the wet weather. Wish I would have anyway. Jared played really great as an offensive lineman. There are only 2 games left this season. The weather is getting colder and we are ready for a little break. However, Josh is now really getting into his football. It's all he can think about! We went to the Broncos game yesterday. Corey got free tickets 9 rows behind the Broncos bench at the 50 yard line. AMAZING!!!!! We could feel a hard hit from where we were sitting. The boys loved it!!! The weather was a little damp and chilly, but we got hot cocoa and nachos to warm us up. Unfortunately, my small camera is broken and I couldn't get pictures at the game! I was so bummed! And then to top it off, the Broncos lost! Even though our teams all lost this weekend, it was still a fun and memorable football weekend!!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Bathroom Remodel

We started this project planning on tiling the bathroom and entry from the garage. After pulling back the lino and taking the toilet out, we found black mold all around the toilet to the doorway. So now a minor project has become a major project and we have cut out the floor in the bathroom. I will keep posting as the project progresses. This is a little mold in the closet where the washer used to be. This looks like nothing compared to what was around the toilet!

Entry Remodel

Demo of the half wall...YEAH!!!!! After I removed the old tile with a sledge and pulled back carpet. Almost done...I'll take another picture after the grout is in and sealed!