Monday, October 13, 2008

Football Weekend

The boys played a really good game on Saturday, but still came up short. Josh played quarterback most of the game after the starting QB injured his knee. Josh was a little hesitant at first, but soon took charge and made some great plays. He even ran one in for a touchdown. I didn't take my camera because of the wet weather. Wish I would have anyway. Jared played really great as an offensive lineman. There are only 2 games left this season. The weather is getting colder and we are ready for a little break. However, Josh is now really getting into his football. It's all he can think about! We went to the Broncos game yesterday. Corey got free tickets 9 rows behind the Broncos bench at the 50 yard line. AMAZING!!!!! We could feel a hard hit from where we were sitting. The boys loved it!!! The weather was a little damp and chilly, but we got hot cocoa and nachos to warm us up. Unfortunately, my small camera is broken and I couldn't get pictures at the game! I was so bummed! And then to top it off, the Broncos lost! Even though our teams all lost this weekend, it was still a fun and memorable football weekend!!!

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