Thursday, January 22, 2009

1-21-09 Wednesday

We are moved in! I put all of our camping supplies and bedding in the camper today. Washed curtains and bedding and febreezed all the cushions. We are all excited to use this thing. Sounds like snow will fly today, so that will take care of the urge to camp. Only a few more months!

1-20-09 Tuesday

Papa and Nana Nay left today. We had a great time while they were here and the kids loved every minute of it. Papa taught Jaydon a "buckle up" song to sing while buckling his seat belt. Now he requests it every time we get into the car. Thanks for the song worm Rog! I can't get it out of my head.
President Barack Obama's inaugeration was today. Kind of cool to witness history in the making, even though I didn't vote for him. I just hope and pray he can follow through on all the promises he has made so many people. If he can endure and change the economy, he may get my support. Time will tell.

1-19-09 Monday Martin Luther King Day

Is it really January???? I'm getting spring fever and so are the kids! Only to be disappointed when the frigid weather and snow roll back in. I guess we will take what we can get and enjoy the outdoors while we can. We took drive to the mountains through Boulder and up the canyon. We had never driven to Nederland or Eldora Ski Resort, so we decided to check it out. All 7 of us piled into the van. We ate lunch at a little restaurant and took in the beautiful views. Jared has had a cough for about 1 week, and over the weekend he quit eating and started breaking out with hives. I took him to the doctor today and he has walking pneumonia. Never would have guessed it. No fever and seems to be running around and playing like usual. So I'm really glad I took him to the doctor. He will hopefully be eating again soon.

1-18-09 Sunday

After looking at 5th wheels for a few weeks, we ended up buying the 1st one we saw. It's super clean with bunk beds and a slide out (couch and dinette). Everything we wanted and cheaper than we had planned on spending (I sense carpet in my future). We have been planning on a 5th wheel and new carpet for a few months now...but the new van threw a wrench in our budget. So I figured the carpet would have to wait, once again. Hopefully the blue yuck will be history in a few least on one level of the house. So it was a perfect weekend to buy a camper. The weather was amazing, for January, and Rog was here to help Corey with any minor fix-its on the camper. They tweaked a few things to get it ready to go. Unfortunately, it is January and it will be 5 months before we take it on a maiden voyage! Can't Wait!!!!

1-17-09 Saturday

On Saturday afternoon, Emmy, Nate, and Kylan came to visit. They were in Denver visiting Nate's family and will stay with us tonight and leave tomorrow after church. We had a great time with Kylan. He is growing so fast. Big boy is even feeding himself with a spoon. Just look at the curly, red hair. Love it!!!!

1-16-09 Friday

Jaydon loves his Thomas towel he got for Christmas. He likes to snuggle after a bath to get warmed up. His eye is still bruised but slowly healing. He is really enjoying his grandparents this week!

1-15-09 Thursday

Went to Walmart this morning and bought 6 more cucumbers ($.69 each) because the 6 from yesterday are gone. I can't boys love healthy snacks after school. We've been having fun with Papa and Nana Nay. While the kids are at school and Corey is at work, the 3 of us go shopping (3 thrift stores, Target, Walmart, and Lowes). Corey's is off work tomorrow (Friday) through Monday, so maybe we'll work on some projects. Roger built a shelf for Jaydon's toy cabinet. I found the colorful storage bins at a thrift store for CHEAP! Gotta love getting organized!!!!!

1-14-09 Wednesday

I bought 6 cucumbers at Sprouts today for $.69 each. Josh is slicing two at a time here. I can see these won't last long.

1-13-09 Tuesday

Jared and Nana Nay played hand and foot, while Josh and Jaydon played with Pixos. Good family bonding.

Monday, January 12, 2009

1-12-09 Monday

We woke up to a few inches of snow this morning. Bet the kids will want to sled when they get home from school. Jaydon is anxiously waiting for Papa Roger and Nananay to get here. They are due to arrive in about 1.5 hours.

1-11-09 Sunday

Today is the Baptism of the Lord. We talked with the boys about their baptisms. Josh was baptized on October 24, 1999 by Father Carl at St. Paul's Newman Center in Laramie, WY. His Godparents are Cameron and Jaci Cuttlers. Jared was baptized in April 29, 2001 by Father Roger at the Newman Center. His Godparents are Chris Engel and Emily Gerlick. Jaydon was baptized on December 26, 2004 at St. Patrick's Catholic Church in Chadron, Ne by Father Ed. His Godparents are Tony Staab and Kamera Coles.

1-10-09 Saturday

Corey has always lifted the boys like this. Good workout for him and great fun for the kids. Jaydon is pushing 50 pounds, so this isn't as easy as it looks. I didn't think Corey would be able to lift Josh (70#), but amazingly, he still can. It's been 1 week since Jaydon's accident that caused the shiner, and his eye is still purple. It looks much better and is healing.

1-09-09 Friday

2009---Simplify and Organize I tackled the storage area under the bench seat in the kitchen. Lots of coloring and workbooks, crayons, markers and just clutter. It is now clean, neat, and organized. WooHoo!!! Now off to the next area to simplify and organize.

1-08-09 Thursday

January and 65 degrees! Amazing for Colorado. The boys tossed the football around in the backyard after school. What a beautiful day!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

1-07-09 Wednesday

Jaydon's eye is healing and becoming more green and yellow. You can kind of see the ball and tote over his right shoulder. This was the cause of the accident that led to the shiner. He put the exercise ball into the tote and tried to stand on it to reach a pull chain for a light in the basement. Today, while sitting on the ball, he said, "We don't stand on balls...but sometimes Jared does." Hhhmmmmm! Wonder where he got the idea!
This is the railroad set up in our basement!


Jared spent a few hours after school working on his pencil drawing. He got the sketch with the outline of the horses from Santa, but he is learning how to shade in the pictures. Sylvia came over and helped him. I think he's doing great!

Monday, January 5, 2009


Jaydon's shiner...Day 3. Wow!! I've never had a black eye like this before. Poor kid. I guess it's one of those things that looks worse before it gets better! I hope it lightens up before school tomorrow.


Jaydon's Shiner...Day 2. We did get a few strange looks in church this morning. It has gotten darker and looks worse than last night.
Today Corey is winding down from a 2 week vacation. We've had so much great family time during this Christmas. Back to reality and schedules. The boys all start school on Tuesday. We are so blessed to be able to spend so much time together and in Nebraska with all our family. I am so grateful!!


Jaydon loves his new train from Santa. We put the track together in the basement. Tonight he tried to turn on another light (short pull string) by standing on my balance ball, fell, landed on his face on concrete floor, and ended up with a shiner!


After almost 8 years and 100K miles, we decided we needed a newer van. We searched the internet all morning, test drove 2, and made a purchase.
Old van: 1999 Oldsmobile Silohette Premier, 136,000 miles, white
New van: 2006 Chrystler Town & Country Touring, 11,000 miles, white
What a great upgrade, and we managed to stick with white yet again! (pick-up, boat, van...all white)


We stayed in PJs most of the day. The cornhuskers played in the Gator Bowl and beat Clemson 26-21! GO BIG RED!!!

4/365 (12-31-08)

New Year's Eve party at the Staab house! Guests: Sylvia, Ray, & Michael; Paul, Suzanne, Jack & Nick; Tim & Narda; Nick, Tanya, Zach, & Gavyn. We started around 7ish and played the Wii bowling. Everyone brought food. At 11pm we played "Catch Phrase". We were so into our game, we missed the countdown and raised our glasses at 12:05 am for a "New Year's Cheers". Happy 2009!!!! Good food, Good friends, and Great memories!!!

3/365 (12-30-08)

Tuesday we headed home after 11 days in Nebraska for Christmas. The van was extremely packed! Luckily we had room for the kids and DVD player!

2/365 (12-29-08)

Monday we went to the Ferrel farm to play with Cade and Cassie. Papa still had snow, so we went sledding. Jared, being the good cousin that he is, took Cassie down the hill a few times. Sammy, Grandma Sandy's new puppy, liked playing with the kids so much, he chased them down the hill.

Project 365

This year, I'm trying something new. I am going to take a picture a day. Sounds crazy, I know. But I ordered this kit that allows me to insert a photo and a journal card into a page protector and organize these by weeks. So I officially started on Dec. 28, 2008. My goal is to also publish these on my blog too keep track of the journalling and also share this with you! Welcome to a year in the life of the Staabs. Day 1/365 (12-28-08) Since receiving a Wii and Guitar Hero for Christmas, the boys have spent a lot of time perfecting their rocker skills. Jaydon is playing the guitar behind his head, but I'm not sure if he's hitting any notes! Jared has played until his arm is numb.