Sunday, September 20, 2009

Game 4

The Bandits won 52-0. They had such a great game, the coaches tried different players in lots of positions. Josh started as the defensive captain and coach called in defensive plays to him. He's loving the defense and hitting people. Jared still plays the offensive line and does a pretty good job. He just isn't into the game like Josh is right now. He is a year younger, so maybe it will click for him later. Our record is 3 - 1 and we are half-way through our season. We are really hoping to make play-offs this year. I'll keep you posted!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

9-7-09 to 9-9-09 Monday to Wednesday

Wednesday: The kids aren't the only one working together as a team, the parents do to. Tonight I picked up 2 extra kids. Fitting 3 boys in the back seat with their shoulder pads on is not easy. Luckily the field is only a few blocks away, because they could not buckle up.
Tuesday: Jaydon did it again. While Corey and I were relaxing on the couch, thinking everyone was asleep, he was using daddy's trimmer and scalping his right side. He then fell asleep on the floor in the hallway. Crazy kid...and preschool pictures are Friday!
Monday: Josh at practice, making his daddy proud, by wearing his Husker jersey!

9-5-09 Saturday

We traveled about 50 minutes away to play a big and fast Highlands Ranch team. They beat us 27 to 6. The first half was a little shaky and they scored 3 touchdowns on us. The second half we woke up and played better. We only allowed one touchdown and scored one of our own...on a pass play! We were proud of the kids to hang in there and play harder even though they were losing.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Football pictures

Jaydon's vocabulary

I have another word to add to the Jaydon dictionary. Yesterday, while on our way home from school, I pulled up next to a convertible at a stop sign. It was next to Jaydon's side of the car, so I knew he would take notice. Immediately, he said, "Oh, we need to get one of those 'outside cars', they look so cool!" outside car = convertible hospital truck = ambulance

9-4-09 Friday

We've seen fox in our backyard all summer and in years past. There's usually 1 or 2 at a time and they make themselves at home on our hill, sometimes they even take a nap. One Saturday morning this summer, I awoke to 4 foxes laying down on the grass by the kitchen window, close to the house. Two of them were red and two were black. It was really shocking and I woke Corey up to check it out, but didn't get the picture before they ran off. It's not uncommon for them to streak across the hill while the boys are eating breakfast before school. We are always excited to see them in our yard.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

9-3-09 Thursday

The city started replacing our water main a few blocks away in mid-August. Today they were in our cul-de-sac. Jaydon and the twins across the street really liked the tractors and deep hole.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

9-2-09 Wednesday

Things get a little crazy around here and I don't always know exactly what Jaydon is up to. He disappeared for a few minutes and then I heard the bath water running. I'm thinking, "Great, he's decided to get in the tub and clean up!" I went to check on him and he said, "Mom, I taked my own hair cut!" I had been talking about giving him a hair cut for a few days, so I guess he decided not to wait for me. I asked where he did it and he said in the laundry room. Well, this is where I usually cut hair, so I looked. He pulled out the stool I have the boys sit on and used his dad's small electric trimmer. I just laughed...every kid cuts their own hair at some point in time. Later, I used a #4 on my clippers and tried to even it up, but he got too close to his scalp. I'll have to give it a few weeks and trim him again!

9-1-09 Tuesday

Happy 10th Birthday Josh!!! He wanted mac n'cheese for supper and a white cake. He even got a birthday wish and didn't have football practice on his birthday.
He blew them all out, but forgot to make a wish.
We knew this week would be really crazy, so we took him to BC Surf & Sport on Saturday to pick out his present. He even got to watch the "dude" assemble the board in front of him...totally cool!

8-31-09 Monday

First practice after a game starts with rewards. Skull and crossbones for big plays or tackles during the game. Josh and Jared each earned 1 (Josh is pictured here). The players also have a chance to earn a Bandits T-shirt: Line MVP, Defense MVP, or Game MVP. The shirts have definately added motivation this year.