Wednesday, September 2, 2009

9-2-09 Wednesday

Things get a little crazy around here and I don't always know exactly what Jaydon is up to. He disappeared for a few minutes and then I heard the bath water running. I'm thinking, "Great, he's decided to get in the tub and clean up!" I went to check on him and he said, "Mom, I taked my own hair cut!" I had been talking about giving him a hair cut for a few days, so I guess he decided not to wait for me. I asked where he did it and he said in the laundry room. Well, this is where I usually cut hair, so I looked. He pulled out the stool I have the boys sit on and used his dad's small electric trimmer. I just laughed...every kid cuts their own hair at some point in time. Later, I used a #4 on my clippers and tried to even it up, but he got too close to his scalp. I'll have to give it a few weeks and trim him again!

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