Friday, October 16, 2009

Thought for the week!

I'm loving this verse. I wrote it on the chalkboard in the kitchen so I remember to read it and live it! "Your judge is also your healer, who wants you to know His priceless kindness, forbearance, and patience."

10-3-09 to 10-6-09 Saturday to Tuesday

Tuesday: At practice tonight, Jared was awarded the Line MVP shirt. He has waited for this the entire season. After every game, he asked his dad if he did good enough to get a shirt. I'm so proud of him for sticking with it all season and working so hard. Great job Bear!!
Monday: It's been cold and rainy, but the boy's fort has stayed dry and looks pretty comfy.
Sunday: The boys took all my patio furniture cushions off and arranged them in their fort. They have quite the set-up.
Saturday: Josh (#44) is getting ready to catch this ball. We won again and the boys are all very excited about this great season.

9-29-09 to 10-2-09 Tuesday to Friday

Friday: Even the Boston Ivy turns a shade of red.
Thursday: School organization...I love it. Each kid has his own spot for homework and school papers. The chore chart is hanging right next to homework, so we can see if it's been done. And the dry erase board has been nice while working 4th grade multiplication. Jaydon also uses it to play school and practice his letters and number. This system has worked great so far!
Wednesday: As if the boys can't find anything better to do, they have to try a hand stand while on the skateboard. I'm surprised we haven't been to the ER more often than we have.
Tuesday: Autumn Blaze Maple

9-25-09 to 9-28-09 Friday to Monday

Monday: At practice, the boys run a drill where the runner goes between to tackling dummies and then meets the defender. Jared new one of the bigger boys would be waiting for him on the other side, so he ran super fast through the dummies and put a move on the defender that made him leave his feet. I don't think Jared wanted to be tackled!
Sunday: What can I say? This is my favorite season and I love taking pictures of the beautiful colors and landscape.
Saturday: The Bandits won again today. We are now 5-1 and getting better with each game. Josh caught a pass and ran it in for a TD today. He said he was so excited that he had tears in his eyes.
Friday: Such awesome fall color. I'm loving the burning bush!

Friday, October 9, 2009

9-21-09 to 9-24-09 Monday to Thursday

Thursday: Uncle Tony came this week to spend some of his vacation with us. It was so nice having him around. The boys constantly wanted his attention. In fact, it was his birthday today and we were blessed to get to spend it with him! Wednesday: Josh is in the orange jersey tackling a runner during a drill at practice. Tuesday: These mums grew like crazy this summer with all the rain. This fall they became a huge mound of color. Monday: Nate, Emily and Kylan came to Denver to visit Nate's family and us. The boys had a great time playing with their cousin, Kylan, and their aunt and uncle. Jaydon and Kylan even took a bath together. Kylan definately remembered his Uncle Corey and recognized his boat.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Most Dangerous Cake in the World

Five Minute Chocolate Mug Cake or The Most Dangerous Cake in the World 4 T. Flour 4 T. Sugar 2 T. Cocoa 1 Egg 3 T. Milk 3 T. Oil 3 T. Chocolate Chips A small splash of vanilla 1 large microwave safe mug Add dry ingredients to mug and mix well. Add the egg and mix thoroughly. Pour in the milk and oil and mix well. Add the chocolate chips and vanilla and mix again. Put your mug in the microwave and cook for three minutes at 1000 watts. The cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don't be alarmed! Allow to cool a little and tip out onto a plate if desired. Serve with vanilla ice cream. This can serve two if you want to feel slightly more virtuous. And why is this the most dangerous cake recipe in the world? Because now you are only five minutes away from chocolate cake at any time of the day or night!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

9-17-09 to 9-20-09 Thursday to Sunday

Sunday: Mom, Cade, and Cassie joined us at Adventure Raceway for a few laps in the go karts. Cassie road with me and Jaydon road with Corey. We all had a great time and then went to Hibachi grill (Japanese steakhouse) for supper.
Saturday: Josh is the defensive team captain. So he wears the arm band with the defense plays on it and huddles the team to call the play. He is also quite the motivator, yells commands and firing up the defense.
Friday: We finally cut Josh's cabbage. It is huge and the size of at least 3 heads you would buy in the store. I think we'll make cabbage burgers and coleslaw.
Thursday: While grandma Doris was here, she made grape and plum jelly and rhubarb jam. She also helped me get ready for a Pampered Chep party I was having the next week. We washed windows and curtains and scrubbed blinds. I can only hope I have as much endurance as she has when I'm 82.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

9-13-09 to 9-16-09 Sunday to Wednesday

Wednesday: Grandma flew in from TX and we brought her up to stay a few days with us. The kids had a ball showing her water balloons and spending time with her.
Tuesday: These yellow mums really liked the rain this summer. They are really pretty next to the purple asters.
Monday: While we were in Vegas, Josh had his best football game ever. He was awarded the Defensive MVP for the game and the Bandits won.
Sunday: After the wedding we took pictures in this archway.

9-10-09 to 9-13-09 Thursday to Sunday

Sunday: After the wedding we rode around Vegas in a "Disco Party Bus" and really enjoyed all the sites. This was very early Sunday morning. We all stayed up until 4 a.m. celebrating at a bar in the Stratosphere. We all had such a great time together, we decided to make it an annual get together. Only next year, we are looking into a beach somewhere.
Saturday: Karen and Scott got married, but not by Elvis. We were so honored to be part of their special day. Congratulations!
After the bull ride, we went to Anthony Cools adult hypmotist and joined the show. This is our entire group in front of Paris.
Friday: We helped Scott celebrate his 40th at the Cadillac Ranch and they had an electric bull. We all climbed on and gave it a try, but it was my "far from a cowboy" husband that rode that thing the longest.
Thursday: We arrived to Vegas after 7 pm and met with the others who flew in from TX and AZ. Then we waited for the birthday boy to show up to surprise him. He had no idea Karen had planned with scheme and we would all be there on his birthday and their wedding.