Thursday, March 11, 2010

Guitar Lessons

Josh and Jared started guitar lessons in February.  I've been hoping they would want to learn a musical instrument.  It would have been easier and cheaper if that would have been the piano, I could have given them the lessons.  Instead, they chose the guitar.  We found a really good instructor.  He's a young guy who can play a lot of the boy's favorite popular songs.  This really keeps them excited and motivated!!!  They started on this little blue guitar (First Act from Target) but we quickly realized it just wasn't going to work well.  It wouldn't stay in tune from the beginning of a song to the end.  So after shopping and searching Craig's list, I found them a used, full-sized guitar and it's working great.  I'm going to look for another one.  They take their lesson at the same time and it's nice when they can play together. 

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