Thursday, August 12, 2010

McConaughy Group

I guess my camera was on a slant.  So tilt your head a little to the left and it will look straight!  These are the 5 families that met at Big Mac this year, Boeselagers, Coles, Leepers, Staabs, and Tiensvolds.

And these are all the crazy kids!
Steve, Jera, Kenli, and Trinity Boeselager
Kami, Cade, and Cassie Coles
Corby, Nikki, Sami, and Bryant Leeper
Bob, Lisa, Logan, Luke and Lanie Tiensvold
And these 2 little boys, Jaydon and Bryant, were best buds!  This is the first time they've gotten to hang out together and they are 2 peas in a pod!!!

McConaughy - Part 5

Our campsite at Lone Eagle campground was 41 this year.  We've done this long enough to know what sites are the best for shade and still get full hook-up.
This was my view from the door of my camper.
Aren't they cute?  Bob and Lisa are good friends of ours from Chadron.

McConaughy - Part 4

With more people, comes more stuff!!
All of the kids enjoyed the water.  This is Kenli Boeselager from Chadron.
Lanie was completely buried and Trinity was dumping water on her.
Luke and Jared...2 of a kind.

McConaughy - Part 3

Friends of ours from CO met us at the lake on Tuesday.  Joe, on the left, plays football with Josh.  He and his brother, Landon, went tubing and skied for the 1st time!
Cade and Cassie came on Wednesday with Grandma Sandy and Kam met us there later that afternoon.
So the beach site we reserved with our tent became quite busy as more of our friends showed up!
Bandit wasn't a huge fan of the water, but did like the shade and cool sand after he dug a hole.

McConaughy - Part 2

The boys always complain of the water spraying them in the eyes, so they decided to wear their goggles tubing!
Josh had become a good little skier.  He even made it out of the wake!

McConaughy - Part 1

McConaughy was 90+% full this year, which is great, but more water means less beach.  So our first day their was spent looking for beach.  Once we found something, we staked our claim with our tent and grabbed 2 picnic tables.  The boys immediately got in the water and relaxed.

4th of July

Crawford Parade
Papa Roger got Jaydon some sparklers and they were both happy!


As usual, Jaydon has his ears covered for the fireworks.  He thinks they are "too loud"!!  He found refuge on grandma Doris's lap.
A nice rainstorm went through just before we lit fireworks and left us with an awesome rainbow!
Then we all went inside to enjoy some guitar picking and yodeling.  Jerry Bomar, from Idaho, was visiting grandma and showed the boys a few songs he knew.


I stopped in Wyoming on the way back and picked up fireworks for the boys.  They shot screaming bottle rockets out of a pipe.  They were pretty cool.
The boys were all very excited about fireworks.  We don't normally buy them any, mainly for safety reasons, but they lit most of them and were pretty careful. 

The Pond

The fishing pond.  I think this just might be Jared's favorite place in the world. 
Jaydon has been obsessed with this clip-on mosquito repellent.
Even Corey caught a fish out of the pond.  The bass are all pretty nice and fun to catch.  But the northern are BIG, and the big ones always get away.  They bite through the line just about the time you can get a good look at them and see just how big they are.  Jared had one all the way to the shore and Ricky (dad's hired man) even had his hand on the monster, but it busted loose and swam away.  Jared was heart-broken.

Go Kart

This was Michael Humphrey's go-kart.  When he outgrew it, Ray and Syl sent it to the farm to be used.  The boys have driven it's wheels off this summer.  Even Jaydon has taken a turn or 2.  Luke Tiensvold came down to spend some time with Jared, so they had to take it for a few spins.

I'm a sucker for a sunset...

Boys on the Farm

Dad's cattle tank has goldfish and salamanders in it.  Jared focuses on the fish and Josh likes the lizards.
And Jaydon just loves...slip-n-slides. Anything to do with water!  Hoses, sprinklers, tanks, water balloons, water guns.  He should have been born with gills!