Thursday, April 30, 2009

More wedding photos 4-20-09

Jaydon LOVED the reception. He had free access to the cake table and helped himself. He skipped the meal, which was awesome by the way, and ate cake...and more cake. This picture is his 6th slice. Looks like he's really having to force it down! Too funny.
Josh and Jared enjoyed themselves at the dance. They love the YMCA...Josh is the Y and Jared the A! Jaydon's favorite was the Hokey Pokey that he dance with Nana Nay!
Back left: Chad, Megan, BJ (Groom), Katie (Bride), Kristen, Zaylee, Joe
Front: Ken and Bev
Chad was our ring bearer 13 years ago...he was 3. Megan was a Jr. Bridesmaid in our wedding, and Katie and Kristen sat at our guestbook. Oh my, how the time flies!!

Iowa Wedding 4-20-09

Since there were so many great pictures from this wedding, I decided to dedicate the week to it. Corey's cousin Katie was the beautiful bride! We left for the wedding after school on Thursday and drove to Ogallala, NE for the night. Unfortunately, the pool was drained for maintenance, so the kids were pretty bummed. We made it to Remsen on Friday afternoon. The kids were definately ready to run around the stretch their legs. Corey had to be at the rehearsal, so Nate and I took the kids to the park. They were excited to see their cousin, Kylan. We stayed with Corey's grandma Elaine for the weekend. It was so nice to get to see everyone in that short period of time. In the photo above, Jaydon and I are dancing and I'm singing to him. He love "usic".
Corey got to visit and catch up with many of his relatives.
Elaine took this picture of our family before we left for the wedding. Jaydon left the tie on until 5 minutes into the ceremony. He looked to handsome!

Monday, April 13, 2009

4-12-09 Happy Easter!!!

Happy Easter! He is risen!!!! Everyone is dressed in Sunday we thought we should take a few pictures.


Kami, Cade and Cassie came for Easter Dinner and brought 99 eggs filled with candy and money (change & $1). The kids had a blast hunting eggs, even though it was raining. Josh found the 1 egg with a dollar. Then we colored real eggs...and ate a few.


Corey took the boat to Cherry Creek Res. on Friday and didn't catch anything. He and Jared went to Chatfield Res. on Saturday and caught 7 walleye. They kept 2 for supper (we gave them to our neighbors). Jared's walleye count for the year is already at 13, pretty impressive for an 8 year old at the beginning of April.
Jared LOVES fishing...and Josh loves having his picture taken with Jared's fish!

4-5-09 to 4-6-09 Sunday & Monday

Wow! It's been a long time since we've seen drifts this high in the shelter belt north of mom & dad's house. The boys loved exploring these mounds of snow and building snow caves. They disappeared for a few hours today, playing in the snow.
Monday: The boys got an extra day for spring break. School starts today, but we are just heading out. The road to town has been snowed shut until this morning. Looks like I'm crazy pulling a boat home with this much snow. Just bad timing and a little bad luck. I had to switch out a tire on the boat trailer, the tire was completely shot. Luckily, dad saw the flat before I headed down the road.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

4-4-09 Saturday

OK...2 blizzards since we've come back for spring break? Seriously?????? I was supposed to head back to Denver today with the boat, but decided yesterday to wait until Sunday. Hopefully the weather will turn and we can leave tomorrow. If not, the kids will have to miss school on Monday and we will head home then. Crazy spring weather!!!!
Papa made us scrambled eggs and sausage for breakfast this morning. He's good at cooking eggs. I started a couple of crock pots of chili, because it just seems like a "chili" day today!
The kids are getting bored inside with the nasty weather. But Jaydon has a Dora Easter painting book he's working on. He is still in his PJ's, and it's after lunch. I guess, there's nothing better to do.

4-3-09 Friday

Verl, a neighbor of mom and dad's, raises goats and has lots of babies this time of year. We helped him feed the little ones and played with the bigger ones. Josh thought we should get one for a pet to keep in our backyard. I said...probably not!
Jaydon's hat has seen better days. I guess it still keeps the sun off his face, but is sure looks funny.
Jaydon was pretty happy to ride his horse by himself. Papa still had to lead him around, but looks like Trouble is a pretty nice nag for the kids!

4-2-09 Thursday

We spent the 1st half of the week at Staab's. We got the projector and old family movies out. Jaydon and Jared loved watching them on the wall. Tony came down from Rapid to see us and we had a great time with him.

4-1-09 Wednesday

No April fools here...Jared really was fishing and Josh was riding the new horse "Trouble". Jared caught 1 small mouth bass and 6 walleye with Papa Roger at Angustora Res. They kept the walleye for grandma Doris. Jared gave it to her as a get well gift. She is in the hospital after having a knee replaced. Josh has been riding horses, driving the Polaris, and helping Papa at the farm.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

3-28-09 Saturday to 3-31-09 Tuesday

Saturday: We are trying to get our house put back together. Every room is a mess and we need to get stuff put away. I'm heading to Nebraska for spring break tomorrow and have a lot to pack and get ready.
Sunday: Corey took a lot of pictures of the carpet before I left so everyone in Nebraska would see our stuff. I was busy packing the kids and myself, while he loaded the pick-up.
Monday: Jaydon helped Nana Nay make noodles for turkey noodle soup. He has a blast and even made some spaghetti noodles for himself.
Tuesday: It's been snowing in Crawford almost since we got here and looks like the snow just follows us where ever we go. Jared was content playing Legos all day. He made many variations of a boat. Nicolas, the neighbor boy, has been over playing with him. He's really excited to go fishing with Papa Roger tomorrow.

3-27-09 Friday

Because of the blizzard yesterday, the boys still didn't have school, so they were very interested in watching the carpet installers. Jared was so excited to try the new carpet out, he laid down on it before it was stretched in. I can't believe what a difference the carpet has made in our home. It is now "Our home". It's lighter, brighter, and smells like new!
The boys also spent time outside perfecting their sledding and snow boarding skills on our neighbors hill. I guess our hill is too steep right now, and they like the extra bump half-way down the hill at Gallagher's.