Wednesday, April 1, 2009

3-28-09 Saturday to 3-31-09 Tuesday

Saturday: We are trying to get our house put back together. Every room is a mess and we need to get stuff put away. I'm heading to Nebraska for spring break tomorrow and have a lot to pack and get ready.
Sunday: Corey took a lot of pictures of the carpet before I left so everyone in Nebraska would see our stuff. I was busy packing the kids and myself, while he loaded the pick-up.
Monday: Jaydon helped Nana Nay make noodles for turkey noodle soup. He has a blast and even made some spaghetti noodles for himself.
Tuesday: It's been snowing in Crawford almost since we got here and looks like the snow just follows us where ever we go. Jared was content playing Legos all day. He made many variations of a boat. Nicolas, the neighbor boy, has been over playing with him. He's really excited to go fishing with Papa Roger tomorrow.

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