Saturday, April 4, 2009

4-4-09 Saturday

OK...2 blizzards since we've come back for spring break? Seriously?????? I was supposed to head back to Denver today with the boat, but decided yesterday to wait until Sunday. Hopefully the weather will turn and we can leave tomorrow. If not, the kids will have to miss school on Monday and we will head home then. Crazy spring weather!!!!
Papa made us scrambled eggs and sausage for breakfast this morning. He's good at cooking eggs. I started a couple of crock pots of chili, because it just seems like a "chili" day today!
The kids are getting bored inside with the nasty weather. But Jaydon has a Dora Easter painting book he's working on. He is still in his PJ's, and it's after lunch. I guess, there's nothing better to do.

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