Monday, December 14, 2009

11-28-09 to 11-29-09 Saturday to Sunday

The boys all decorated a gingerbread house today.  They had a great time decorating and eating the candy.  Kylan kept reminding himself to not eat the candy, but it was just too irresistable.  He kept saying, "We don't eat the gingerbread house."

Today was my 35th birthday!  Corey said he was taking me to dinner and a movie in Chadron.  But when we got there, Tiensvolds and Boeselagers were waiting for us at the restaurant to surprise me!  We had a great time and all went to Bob and Lisa's after supper to play cards.  It was really nice to have Nate and Emily come with us too.  Papa Roger and Nana Nay stayed home with their 4 grandsons and granddog (Bandit).  I think we ALL had a great night..."if you know what I mean".  (Thanks for the funny quote of the evening, Nate!)

Sunday:  Ky really liked playing with Bandit...and I'm thinking Bandit liked it too! We left for CO after lunch.  Kylan sat in our pick-up and was planning on going to Denver with us.  He was very upset when he couldn't come along. 

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