Tuesday, December 22, 2009

12-4-09 to 12-7-09 Friday to Monday

 Friday:  Jaydon took this picture of me setting up our tree!  He was a big help, sorting the branches, shaping them and placing them on the pole. 

Saturday:  Nana Nay snuggles with Bandit on the couch.  Roger and Renee came to Denver to visit us this week.  We played a lot of cards, decorated the house with Christmas decor and played with the kids!!

Sunday:  Nana Nay helped Jaydon put his birthday present together.  She wanted him to open it before they left.  He got a Hot Wheels racetrack and LOVED it!!!!!

Monday:  Just a glimpse of how I decorated for Christmas this year.  Loved opening the new decorations I bought last year after Christmas!!!

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