Monday, December 14, 2009

11-30-09 Monday

Monday:  On our way home from Crawford Sunday, Josh's asthma and coughing were extremely bad.  We just couldn't get a good breath even after using his inhaler.  So this morning I took him to the doctor and after 3 hours in the office, she sent him to the hospital.  He just couldn't move air in and out of his lungs after 4 albuterol treatments.

After we got checked in, he had a continuous albuterol treatment, which is basically albuterol in the nebulizer for 1 hour.  It seemed like forever, and I'm sure it was even worse for Josh.  They did start an IV also, because he was vomiting and not drinking anything.  So he was hooked up to the oxygen/ HR monitor on his finger, 3 probes on his chest for cardiac monitoring, an IV, and oxygen canula in the nose.  He then was getting IV steroids to help with the inflammation in his lungs, which really made him moody and irritable. The first night in the hospital was no fun at all.  They came every 2 hours for a neb treatment and he didn't like the canula in his nose, so they tried an O2 mask.  He just wasn't happy with anything and kept taking it off in his sleep.  Then is O2 levels would dip below 89 (mostly between 83-89) and the alarm would go off.  Once that was fixed, his IV link would kink and his IV monitor alarm would sound.  So about every 10 minutes, an alarm was going off in his room.  I think he learned to sleep through them, but I did NOT and I was on the most uncomfortable chair/cot ever!  I was very thankful that the nurses and respiratory therapists were in charge of keeping his meds and treatments straight.  It certainly allowed me to just be his mom and not his nurse! 

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