Jaydon's preschool visited the Majestic View Nature Center and had to take a bus ride to get there. He was so excited about finally getting to ride a real school bus. His friend, Nathan, sat by him on the bus.
He couldn't wait to get to school that day. He woke up asking if it was time yet! For some reason, the number on the bus was very important to him. We were on bus number 424.
Once we were there, the kids learned why birds can fly. There were 3 very interesting reasons: 1. They have feathers. 2. They have hollow bones that allow them to be very light weight. And the 3rd and most interesting reason (according to a group of preschoolers) is because they poop a lot! They get rid of the extra weight before taking flight, and this is what had these preschoolers giggling and laughing hysterically!
Next, they heard a book about how a butterfly changes from a caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly. They then acted out the metamorphosis and ended up outside with their "wings" flapping and looking for flowers to get nectar from. Jaydon had the yellow wings, in the middle of the photo.
Finally, they learned about nature using their 5 senses. They heard different sounds animals make (like a squirrel, owl, cricket, grasshopper, and robin) and saw pictures of what they look like. They smelled some of the plants that grow naturally in the area and touched pine cones and pine needles. And finally they tasted some fruit with their eyes closed, so they could guess what they were eating (apples). They all looked like a bunch of baby birds with their mouths open so wide and their eyes closed.
From New Age to Catholic
3 days ago
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