Friday, May 14, 2010

A wet, cold week

With all the cold, wet weather this week, the big boys only had one game and Jaydon had none.  It was still cold and wet last night, but they played.  I have no pictures.  It was too wet to get the camera out and I was keeping book.  They lost, 10-6, but gained a lot of valuable knowledge.  Jared learned not to pull his foot off the base, especially when the baseman had the ball in his glove...Jared was out.  He also learned to run your hardest to 1st when your bat hits the ball.  He was thrown out at 1st by the pitcher after his pop-up didn't roll foul.  Josh also learned a few things.  It's hard to pitch a wet ball when your feet are sliding around.  You always throw to 2nd from center field, not 1st (he over-threw 1st and the runner advanced).  If your coach tells you to steal a base, you had better be running...and fast!  He got caught between 2nd and 3rd and tagged out!  Needless to say, the drive home was not fun.  We were all hungry, wet, cold, and bummed about the loss.  Hopefully, tomorrow's games are better, warmer, drier, and end with a win.  That's not to much to ask...right??? 

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