Monday, March 2, 2009

2-25-09 Wednesday to 2-28-09 Saturday

Sylvia's birthday is today. I made her another frame with a picture of us at mom & dad's. I also made her supper and a lemon birthday cake (her favorite). I'm so blessed to have such a great friend, and she lives right next door.
Jaydon has been perfecting his make-up applying skills. You can see how nice his eyebrows look. Although, I think he used mascara instead of a brow pencil. He likes to shave his legs in the bathtub and wear my high-heels around the house. Maybe he spends too much time with mommy.
Tim & Narda had birthdays in January and Ray, Suzanne and Sylvia in February. So we decided to celebrate by having a Mardi Gras themed party at our house. Drink: Hurricanes (2 gallons...completely finished)
Food: Shrimp gumbo, Jambalaya, Catfish, lettuce wedge
Dessert: Creme puffs and birthday cake Of course, the kids were mostly interested in blowing out candles and eating birthday cake!

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