Thursday, March 26, 2009

3-21-09 to 3-24-09 Saturday to Tuesday

Saturday 3-21-09 Welcome home Papa Alan and Grandma Sandy. They just got back from Arizona and decided to spend the weekend in Denver. I guess they missed us as much as we missed them!
Sunday 3-22-09 Grandma and Papa brought lots of fresh fruit from Arizona; grapefruit, oranges, tomatoes, and even onions, peppers, and cucumbers. Wow, this should last us for a while!
Monday 3-23-09 We have been working on "project carpet" for a few days and tearing up carpet. Lots of other things need to be done while the carpet is, painting trim, doors, ceiling, and rooms (Jaydons' and the spare room got new color). Corey took every tread off the stairs and "screwed and glued" them back down. Our stairs no longer squeek and creek. Tim, our neighbor, said we should leave one step squeeky so we can hear when the kids sneak out in a few years. They'll never do that...right???
Tuesday 3-24-09 All of the rooms look so much different with the blue carpet gone. The house is definately louder and seems colder. Can't wait for the NEW carpet!!!!!!

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