Sunday, March 1, 2009

2-9-09 Monday to 2-12-09 Thursday

Daddy even gets into the Wii Fishing. I guess when it's too cold to fish, they might as well get a fix inside where it's nice and cozy.Bakugan is the latest craze in our house. They are a mixture of Pokemon/Yu-Gi-Oh cards with points and transformer toys. Of course, there is also a cartoon to watch and learn more about these crazy little tranforming balls. Even Jaydon is getting into it.
Jaydon has been working on the dry erase board at home. He can now write his name and spell mom and dad. He is very proud of himself. My baby is learning and growing so fast!
Josh was fascinated with the science unit on electrical circuits. He built a battery tested that looks like a firefly. You simply touch 2 wires to each end of a battery and if the firefly lights up, the battery is good. He so proud to make a tool that Mom can use every day. I desperately needed a battery tester! Thank you Joshy!

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