Thursday, May 28, 2009

5-17-09 to 5-20-09 Sunday to Wednesday

Sunday: This camping and fishing is hard work. Jaydon crashed on the floor under Corey's seat and Josh fell asleep next to me while I was reading. The sound of the water hitting the side of the boat, the warm sun, and peaceful time (kids not fighting) make for prime napping time!!!
Monday: Josh made me this cute coffee cup with a lid in art this year. He said he even baked it in the kiln, so I could actually drink my coffee from it! How SWEET!!!!
Tuesday: My flower bed has exploded and I'm needing to divide plants and move things around. I just can't believe it's this full already and it's only May!!!
Wednesday: Jaydon had a play day with his little buddy from preschool, Mason. They played on the "Slippy Slide" all afternoon.

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