Thursday, May 28, 2009

5-25-09 to 5-28-09 Monday to Thursday

Monday: Memorial Day: The Gallagher's joined us for a campfire and roasted smores. The live across the street and have twin boys, 3 years old. It was nice to have guests at our campsite, but the mud was still bad and everyone got pretty dirty. Oh well, I guess a smore tastes the same either way!
Tuesday: Jaydon got ahold of the camera in the boat and shot a few pictures of himself. Nice self portrait, right?
Wednesday: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!! My neighbor and I car pool during school, and today was their morning to pick-up. So this is what is looks like when my boys head to school, bright and early at 7:15.
Thursday: 1st day of summer break. We broke out the responsibility chart and got busy this morning. Each kid got their jobs done, so I let them get the pool out and play in the water. Next week we start their summer reading program along with some math, science and other fun! They will be so excited...maybe!

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