Thursday, May 28, 2009

5-21-09 to 5-24-09 Thursday to Sunday

Thursday: The toy room has a new color...Organic Garden. The material over the back of the couch will be curtains as soon as I get time to sew them.
Friday: Does this kid ever get enough fishing done?
Saturday: Josh gets the fishing bug and reels in one of his own. Yeah Josh!!! This weather was so crazy this weekend. Nice in the morning for fishing, but rainy and lighting in the afternoon and evening. Everything was a mess, the campground was muddy, so the camper and boat also got muddy. We spent a lot of time playing games and eating in the camper. It was still a great holiday weekend.
Sunday: May 24 is Roger's birthday, so we called him from the boat and all wished him a happy day. I took this picture while Josh was on the phone with him and then Josh landed a big bass. "This one's for you, Grandpa!"

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