Friday, July 31, 2009

7-21-09 to 7-23-09 Tuesday to Thursday

7-23 Thursday: Jared had his best friend, Luke, to the ranch to spend the night. Josh went to Chadron to stay with Logan. So I took Jared and Luke to a pond fishing and they caught 9 bass. Jaydon didn't want to go along because he was cutting hay with Papa.
7-22 Wednesday: Dad and I took the boys to the pond to fish and this is how tall the weeds were. Jaydon kept saying we were walking through a forest...I guess we were!
I'm so glad to be in Nebraska again this year at the same time as last year. Grandpa passed away 1 year ago today. We had a big breakfast a Grandma's house and talked about AJ. Doesn't seem like a year has passed...miss you grandpa!
7-21 Tuesday: Dad kept stacking hay bales and we (Josh, Jaydon, and me) played a little hay bale tag! Wow did that bring back the memories...and awareness of how out of shape I am.

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