Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Yellowstone Vacation Day 7

We were so sad to leave Yellowstone. It's such a wonderful place and we (all 5 of us) had a great time there! We stopped to check everything over and take one last picture of Yellowstone lake. We stopped at the South Entrance to the park to take a few pictures and lucked out seeing this grizzly bear on an island in the middle of the river. We were so excited!! Our plan was to spend a few short hours at the Colter Bay visitor center in Grand Teton National Park and do some hiking on the shores of Jackson Lake. As we started our hike, we passed the marina and Corey decided to rent a motor boat for 2 hours and really see the lake. It was a great idea!!! We had so much fun on that little boat and saw spectacular views. Everyone took a turn driving the boat and enjoying the water. We didn't see wildlife from the boat, but we certainly were not disappointed with the views. The water was calm, like glass, and very relaxing. We left the Tetons wishing we had camped there for 1 night. Instead, we headed to Lander and camped with our good friends and neighbors, Tim and Narda McClain. They were on their way to Yellowstone, so we shared some of our stories and handed off maps. Narda even brought strawberry shortcake...YUM!!! Sadly, another great vacation was over and we made it home safely and back to reality.
Oh, I almost forgot the favorite parts of the day:
Corey: leaning over the edge of the boat and letting his fingers glide through the water while watching Jared drive the boat.
Josh: seeing the grizzly bear
Jared: driving the boat
Jaydon: the boat ride on Jackson Lake
Me: Looking at the Tetons from the boat

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