Monday, July 6, 2009

Yellowstone Vacation Day 3

We expored the area around Yellowstone Lake, Fishing Bridge Visitor Center and the West Thumb Geyser Basin. We took a boat tour of Yellowstone Lake and saw a Bald Eage. Then ice cream at Lake Village and next to LeHardy Falls. A park ranger was netting cutthroat trout out of the stream where they were spawning, and measuring them. The boys got to touch the fish talk to the ranger about it. Corey and I both agree, this would be a perfect job for Jared when he grows up. Next we hiked a trail around the mud volcano and Dragon's Mouth! This is a picture of the Dragon's Mouth...Jaydon's favorite feature in the park. We had to visit it more than once. It not only looks neat, but also has great sound affects!
Here are the boys with the trout at LeHardy Falls.
This is the boat we rode on for the tour of the lake.
My 3 boys at LeHardy falls.
Favorite part of the day:
Dad: mud volcano
Josh: Boat tour & seeing the bald eagle
Jared: the big trout
Jaydon: Dragon's Mouth
Mom: LeHardy falls and the trout

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

man those are nice titspull them out let me see em