Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Yellowstone Vacation Day 6

Haydon Valley
Hayden Valley: Corey loved this part of the park. There are always wildlife in this lush valley and the beautiful view of the mountains.
On our way to Tower/Roosevelt area we had to drive over Mount Washburn and a morning storm had just dropped rain and was moving on. It was a little chilly and the dark cloud left a sense of calmness on the mountain. The steam from a thermal feature is rising in the background. As we headed toward mammoth, we saw a petrified redwood tree and another beautiful river cutting through a canyon and valley. When we pulled into Mammoth, there was a small herd of elk with their new babies grazing in this picnicing area. So we decided to eat with the elk. The kids loved it and the elk didn't seem to mind. After our lunch, the boys took their completed Jr. Ranger packets to the visitor center and received their Jr. Ranger patches. It was such a great program for them to do and we all learned a lot. Way to go, Jr. Rangers!!!
We saw this black bear outside of mammoth. At first we weren't sure if it was a black bear or grizzly, but the boys learned the difference and said the griz has a hump at his shoulders and a dip in his nose. This bear had no hump and a straight nose, so even though he is brown...he is a black bear.The kids needed to burn off a little energy, so we let them climb around on the rocks below Sheepeater Cliff. It was neat to see how the lava rock had cooled in these columns. Every road in Yellowstone is surrounded by some sort of wildlife. Traffic is moving pretty slow and sometimes there is a wildlife (usually bison) traffic jam. While stopped for those in front of us to take pics of some elk, Jaydon spotted this buck laying in the grass next to our truck. Most of those in front of us, and even Corey, did not see it until Jaydon pointed it out. He even know it was an elk. I was impressed. The brink of the lower falls was breathtaking, and a little scary. The viewing platform was really close to the edge and you would feel the rumble and vibration of the water rushing over the edge. Oh, the power of nature!!!

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