Monday, August 31, 2009

8-18-09 to 8-21-09 Tuesday to Friday

Friday: Rocky Mountain Regional Airport, just a few miles north of us, is having an airshow over the weekend. This fighter jet practiced his routine this afternoon and came right over our house. We sat on the hill in our backyard and enjoyed the show for free!!!
Thursday: Jared was evaluated by a behavioral optomitrist and determined he needs glasses. He's far sighted and his eyes to not track the same close object, such as a word when he is reading. So the glasses have a prism in them to keep his eyes focused on the same thing. He is also supposed to start vision therapy, but our schedule is crazy until football is over, so we will wait until it slows down a bit. He looks pretty handsome, I think!
Wednesday: Jaydon was helping Nick down the slippy slide!
Tueday: My hibiscus bush is full of bloom and some have opened! It's so pretty!

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