Tuesday, August 11, 2009

8-2-9 to 8-4-09 Sunday to Tuesday

8-4-09 Tuesday: Everyone left last evening so we are on our own...but still having fun. It was a little windy today so we didn't launch the boat. We played at the beach and in the water. Traditionally, the boys all take off running into the water as soon as we arrive at the beach!
8-3-09 Monday: We had 10 people stay at our camper last night. I love it! We all had so much fun in the sand and water. The lake was like glass, so we took advantage of it and skied a lot!
8-2-09 Sunday: Day 1 at Big Mac. The RV and boat pulled great behind the pick-up and we were pleased with the trip. We hit the beach as soon as we were set up. My cousin Corby and Nicki Leeper and their kids, Sami and Bryant, met us at the lake and played in the water together. Mom and Dad met us with Josh and Jared and Kami also came. We had Cade and Cassie with us, so we had quite a crew at the beach. Love having fun with family.

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