Monday, August 31, 2009

8-25-09 to 8-28-09 Tuesday to Friday

Friday: I bought 3 electrice toothbrushes at Costco today and Jaydon loves his. I'm afraid the battery will be dead by tomorrow. He's even sleeping with it tonight. Crazy kid!
Thursday: Jared and Jaydon built tents all afternoon and played in them. They wanted to sleep in them, but it's a school night. I remember doing this as a kid, so I don't mind if they make a mess. It's great play time!!!
Wednesday: We scrimmaged a team from Superior tonight. It was a great way for the kids to get the jitters out of the way and the coaches definately saw some areas that needed work. This pass was actually completed during the scrimmage!
Tuesday: 1st Day of Preschool Jaydon started preschool again, at the same school he went to last year. The twins across the street from us are also in his class. Jaydon asked all summer if it was August yet. I think he really missed school and is happy to be going again.

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