Monday, November 16, 2009

10-22-09 to 10-25-09 Thursday to Sunday

On Friday, we carved pumpkins with the Gallagher's.  We broke out the stencils and got busy with the electric carver.  Josh carved a skull and Jared carved a scary face.  Jaydon even worked on his own pumpkin this year. 

Saturday:  Josh had his hands full with this big kid from Arvada.  We scrimmaged the same team we played last weekend and beat them again, 49-0.  We are ranked 2nd in the league and will play in our first play-off game next Saturday. 

Sunday:  The boys made great jack-o-lanterns this year.  Jared's is on the left, Josh's middle, and Jaydon's on the right.  Luckily, nobody stole them this year, but the squirrels started eating them.  Guess they weren't scary enough to keep them away.

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