Thursday, November 19, 2009

11-18-09 Wednesday

This year, the football team had great sponsorship and was able to buy these jackets for all the players and coaches.  We had their names and numbers put on them and presented them at the year-end party.  Since then, the boys have had them on every day.  They wore them to church and to school.  When I picked them up at school, I saw Riley, Jace, and Draven with them on too.  I guess the jackets were a hit!! 

On a side note,  we don't know what to do with ourselves this week.  It seems like something is missing.  No football practice and late suppers.  We are missing our football family, the players and the parents.  We were so fortunate this year to have a great group of people involved and I'm hoping we can all get together in the off season.  I guess we need to have a monthly game night at the Staab house, the kids can play the Wii and parents can play cards! 

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