Tuesday, November 24, 2009

11-19-09 to 11-20-09 Thursday & Friday

Puppy Love

The boys are absolutely in love with this dog.  We really didn't plan on getting a dog and just stumbled across this breed.  While he is a playful puppy, he is also quite calm and cuddly.  He really fits well with us and is a good addition to our family.  Even Corey cuddles with him at night while watching TV.  Josh has been very responsible, taking him out, picking up poop, and giving him a lot of attention!  Jared also helps a lot with him, brushing him, taking him out to pee, and picking up "poop bombs", as he says!  Jaydon is on food duty and loves sneeking him little snacks.  He is definately learning to be more gentle!

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