Monday, November 16, 2009

11-13-09 to 11-16-09 Friday to Monday

Friday:  We practiced in a big snow storm!  Our last practice of the season just showed our dedication and how hard we worked all season! 

Saturday:  The boys had great time at the bowling alley for the year end party.

We all gathered at our practice field to caravan to the Carnation Bowl.  Everyone decorated their car windows and showed great team spirit!!  The Banditis ended up losing 26-25 after a very hard fought game.  It really could've gone either way, but we just came up short.  It was so disappoint for the kids.  There were a few tears shed (I didn't let the kids see me, heehee). 

Monday:  Bandit is sleeping in his kennel with his favorite toy, a football.

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