Monday, November 16, 2009

11-9-09 to 11-12-09 Monday to Thursday

Monday:  Jaydon's last day of football class at the rec center he demonstrated all the skills he learned.   I think he had a good time.  I was really hoping he wouldn't try to tackle the other 3 and 4 years olds to play like his big brothers do.

Tuesday:  Jared loves getting kisses from Bandit!

Wednesday:  I made these frames to give the players.  The pictures are of the boys with the incentive t-shirts they won during the season.  They were all so proud of those tees!

Thursday:  We couldn't get a field with lights reserved tonight for practice tonight, so we made our own lighted field.  We rounded up 3 generators and lots of halogen lights with extension cords to light our home practice field.  The kids thought it was awesome and had a great practice on their home field!!

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